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Calculating field in pivot tables


I want to build a calculated field in Excel, I put a column header (category A) in Filter section of pivot table. Then do a filter on several fields which are in category A. Now I want to get the total of these several fields. How can I do that? Any help or any thought?


The standard Row and Column Grand Totals for the Pivot updates when you apply the filters, is this not helping?

Hello Vijay,

I need to get the total for several items in a column.

I have a sheet as below:

Category A Category B Category C

1 Apple AA Pink

2 Orange CC Blue

3 Orange CC Pink

4 Kiwi DD Yellow

I insert a pivot table to have Category A, Category B and then I need the the total of Pink in Category C for all items in category A.

Imagine I have 4000 Rows.

Thank you for the help.
I have no idea how this is not posted in the right place. So I am sending this one more time. Because I need it.