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Calculate TAT between working dates excluding Sunday and public holiday (sat is half day)

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New Member
Hello Team.
Request you to please help me with the excel formula where in Cell A and B are the (received date and time) and (Sent date and time).
Shift from Mon to Fri is 7AM to 5PM and Sat 8AM to 1.30PM
date format is(25-01-2023 12:00:00 AM)

Please help me with creating the formula
Attached file, for your reference.
I have already condition applied from Monday to Friday, excluding weekend (sat and sun).
Now i want the condition to be added in "New Working File" in column F which also includes Saturday time when calculating TAT.
Another sheet : Public Holidays & work hours has details updated for Mon to Fri and Sat.

Request you to please assist in getting the condition updated for Saturday working.

Appreciate your help.


  • 1st Print Creation Report_Revised.xls
    250.5 KB · Views: 9
Perfect result. :).. Also, I could see the formula is refined and shorted.
Thank you very much for your help. :)

Have a pleasant day.

Dear Team,
I have got new scenario where we are working all days (incldg weekends) except holiday, can someone plz help me with the scneario how to deal with it.. we can use the same above file as reference


One question (scenario) per thread
... and You've still open one more similar thread.
This thread seems to have already solution; that's why - closed.
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