New Member
I have quite a big excel table and im unable to upload it due to work privacy reasons. My problem is i currently have a list table under a rawdata table. I then have a cover page with a drop down to select state and animals.
At the moment my table has 6 columns, Im unable to change this or duplicate the table as it comes from a data base I don't have access to but all the ranges would stay the same. I ignore column 2.
The Below sum is of the average of the KG/Amount.
So I first match the ID with the ID. Then match the Left 2 chars of the _tema (This is Date, Reason I am selected the left two is its in format YYMM) then select right 2 off a selected cell that says 2017. so _tema001=17, then match the State with a cell. (The states are inputted as numbers. so I have a lookup table and then a lookup cell and that is referencing that. It then matches the IDW name with the Animal KG. and sums the amount of the KG. IT then divides that with the same but the IDW name is Animal No.
So in the end it just tells me the individual weight for the animal. Im now wanting to find the Min and Max an individual animal that meets the matches but cant work out how to do this.
I have provided and example of the first 4 rows
AGR14007284 39 3 1610 AGSLAUCATLMNOHEF 69
AGR14007284 39 3 1610 AGSLAUCATLMKGHEF 32219
AGR14062725 39 1 1610 AGSLAUCATLMNOHEF 1945
AGR14062725 39 1 1610 AGSLAUCATLMKGHEF 387198
At the moment my table has 6 columns, Im unable to change this or duplicate the table as it comes from a data base I don't have access to but all the ranges would stay the same. I ignore column 2.
The Below sum is of the average of the KG/Amount.
So I first match the ID with the ID. Then match the Left 2 chars of the _tema (This is Date, Reason I am selected the left two is its in format YYMM) then select right 2 off a selected cell that says 2017. so _tema001=17, then match the State with a cell. (The states are inputted as numbers. so I have a lookup table and then a lookup cell and that is referencing that. It then matches the IDW name with the Animal KG. and sums the amount of the KG. IT then divides that with the same but the IDW name is Animal No.
So in the end it just tells me the individual weight for the animal. Im now wanting to find the Min and Max an individual animal that meets the matches but cant work out how to do this.
I have provided and example of the first 4 rows
AGR14007284 39 3 1610 AGSLAUCATLMNOHEF 69
AGR14007284 39 3 1610 AGSLAUCATLMKGHEF 32219
AGR14062725 39 1 1610 AGSLAUCATLMNOHEF 1945
AGR14062725 39 1 1610 AGSLAUCATLMKGHEF 387198