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Calculate difference in Years, Quarters, Months, Days

Hi All,

I need to calculate difference in two dates and desired output is required as below.

1. Years Quarters & Days.
2. Years, Quarters, Months & Days

Have attached a sheet. Also applied formula but not getting the solutions.

Please see.

Thanks and Regards,
Deepak Sharma


  • Calc Qtrs and Days between two dates.xlsx
    9.7 KB · Views: 11
=DATEDIF(A3,B3,"y") &" years, "&INT(DATEDIF(A3,B3,"ym") /3)&" Quarters & " &B3 - EDATE(A3, 3 * FLOOR(((YEAR(B3)*12+MONTH(B3))-(YEAR(A3)*12+MONTH(A3)))/3,1)) + 1 & " days."
Hi ,

We have seen in an earlier question that DATEDIF has problems when a combined period is used as the second parameter ; thus DATEDIF when used with "y" , "m" or "d" has no problems , but when used with "ym" or "md" has problems.

Your sample of just 2 data items is not sufficient to test all possible cases ; only sufficient data can really verify any formula that is suggested.
