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In the attached sheet, I have used CAGR formulas in I3, I4 AND I5. But considering negative returns i think CAGR is showing wrong. What mistake I have done |?


  • PortfolioTracker.xlsx
    805.7 KB · Views: 11
I corrected I3 as =IFERROR((E3 /D3)^(1/INDEX($M$11:$M$46,MATCH(C3,$C$11:$C$46,0)))-1,"")

Hope this is correct
CAGR = Compound annual growth rate.

@grcshekar, Many tutorials online, one on chandoo.org. Cannot open your file for the moment.
Real financials do not use it I'm told.
3 methods are described in this post.
One of them being related to one of your other posts on using IRR fx.
Still without excel, can't help more for the time being.
Maybe the formula is with the minus 1 outside the last parenthesis?
=( E3/D3 ) ^ ( 1 / SUMIF ( $C$11:$C$46 ; C3 ; $M$11:$M$46 ) ) -1
=RATE ( SUMIF ( $C$11:$C$46 ; C3 ; $M$11:$M$46 ) ; ; -D3 ; E3 )

Not sure about this one, since I never do any finance calculations:
vals ; FILTER ( $G$11:$G$52 ; ( $C$11:$C$52=C3 ) * ( $C$11:$C$52<>"" ) ) ;
dates ; FILTER ( $D$11:$D$52 ; ( $C$11:$C$52=C3 ) * ( $C$11:$C$52<>"" ) ) ;
XIRR( -vals ; dates )