Niraj Baraili
Hi All,
Need your help...when and how to use ByVal and ByRef in VBA ?
Need your help...when and how to use ByVal and ByRef in VBA ?
'a. Formal Parameter - a variable passed to a Sub or Function (e.g. i, iRow, and sData are formal parameters).
'b. ByRef (default) means the Sub or Function is allowed to modify the value of a formal parameter and pass the _
modified value back to the calling routine.
'c. ByVal means means the Sub or Function is allowed to modify the value of a formal parameter (in some languages _
this causes a compile error), but the value that the calling routine sees is the ORIGINAL value.
Sub IncrementCounter(ByRef I As Long)
I = I + 1
End Sub
Sub OuputValueToColumnA(ByVal iRow As Long, ByVal sData As String)
Cells(iRow, "A").Value = sData
iRow = iRow + 1 'NOTE: Modification of a ByVal formal parameter is allowed inside the routine, but is poor programming practice
Cells(iRow, "A").Value = sData
End Sub
Sub ImprovedOuputValueToColumnA(ByVal iInputRow As Long, ByVal sData As String)
Dim iRow As Long
iRow = iInputRow 'Make a local copy of the input value
Cells(iRow, "A").Value = sData
iRow = iRow + 1 'NOTE: Modification of a ByVal formal parameter is allowed inside the routine, but is poor programming practice
Cells(iRow, "A").Value = sData
End Sub
Sub ByRefAndByVal()
Dim iRow As Long
Dim sMessage As String
sMessage = "Hello World."
iRow = 11
Debug.Print "iRow = " & iRow 'Output to Immediate Window (CTRL G in debugger)
Call IncrementCounter(iRow)
Debug.Print "iRow = " & iRow '12 expected
iRow = 21
Debug.Print "iRow = " & iRow 'Output to Immediate Window (CTRL G in debugger)
Call OuputValueToColumnA(iRow, sMessage)
Debug.Print "iRow = " & iRow '21 expected
Call ImprovedOuputValueToColumnA(iRow, sMessage)
Debug.Print "iRow = " & iRow '21 expected
End Sub
Sub foo()
Dim i As Long
i = 1
Call Change_ByRef(i)
' i is changed by the Change_ByRef procedure and that change IS reflected here too because it was passed by reference
MsgBox "i is now: " & i
Call Change_ByVal(i)
' i is changed only within the Change_ByVal procedure because a COPY of it was passed
MsgBox "i is still: " & i
End Sub
Sub Change_ByRef(ByRef lInput As Long)
lInput = 14
End Sub
Sub Change_ByVal(ByVal lInput As Long)
lInput = 21
End Sub
Sub Object_foo()
Dim r As Range
Set r = Range("A1")
Call Change_object_ByRef(r)
' r is changed to a different cell by the Change_ByRef procedure and
' that change IS reflected here too because it was passed by reference
MsgBox "r is now: " & r.Address
Call Change_object_ByVal(r)
' r is changed to a different cell by the Change_ByVal procedure but
' that change IS NOT reflected here because it was passed by value.
MsgBox "r is still: " & r.Address
End Sub
Sub Change_object_ByRef(ByRef rInput As Range)
' change the range variable to one row down
Set rInput = rInput.Offset(1)
End Sub
Sub Change_object_ByVal(ByVal rInput As Range)
' change the range variable to one row down
Set rInput = rInput.Offset(1)
End Sub
Sub Object_foo2()
Dim r As Range
Set r = Range("A1")
Call Change_object_property_ByRef(r)
' r is changed to a different value by the Change_ByRef procedure and
' that change IS reflected here because an object refernce is passed
MsgBox "r is now: " & r.Value
Call Change_object_property_ByVal(r)
' r is changed to a different value by the Change_ByRef procedure and
' that change IS reflected here because an object reference is still passed
MsgBox "r is now: " & r.Value
End Sub
Sub Change_object_property_ByRef(ByRef rInput As Range)
' change its value
rInput.Value = "changed byref"
End Sub
Sub Change_object_property_ByVal(ByVal rInput As Range)
' change its value
rInput.Value = "changed byval"
End Sub