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Budgeting Spreadsheet

Hi Everyone! I do not have an issue, but I am looking for some guidance from the advanced users on a budget spreadsheets for business. I have Googled budget spreadsheets and it mostly personal out there. Here is my situation. I have to run it by distributor by month and at this point under each distributor I have about six line items because I have to subtract somethings, add a % point to add back into the number, etc. Does anyone have any good examples of a budget spreadsheet where there are multiple line items?
Good day Nikki91775

There are many via Excel/templates, will this one help it can be altered to suit your needs.

Hi - I cannot use dropbox as it is blocked on our servers. Does it reside in the Excel template file that is loaded with Windows?
Good day Nikki91775

Yes that is where it is,....but it is a web based download, if you have any problems with downloading I will email it.