Hi ,Hello Narayan
Thanks for the update. its really help full. I would check one thing with you as I need to exclude the first entry and last exit from a date for a particular date and the rest of the entry exit will calculate the break time. I am seeing few persons are taking 2 more hours I think bcz of this.
Hi ,Hello Narayan
A Safe example is Please select Card holder as T K, Dinu and select date 12th of March you can see the first time is 11.0.10 Am actually this was he entered in office first time that day. so this should be excluded from break time calculation. then 8.26.54 PM he is left from office and his shift is finished so this time also excluded rest exit and entry will be added into the break time. hope this make sense.
Hi NarayanHi ,
Will this apply to all cardholders ?
Will it apply for every date ?
Suppose a cardholder has only one entry and one exit on any particular date ; will both of these be excluded ?
Hi ,Hi Narayan
Yes this for all date, if one person have single log in and log out you can exclude them bcz they are security or other staff not the employees reporting to me. from this report I will sort out the persons who reporting to me.
Dinu Kunjunju
HelloDinu Kunjunju You wrote:
but I am not sure all exit and entry calculated apart from first log in and last log out. bcz I noticed that few of my staff are only take 25 minutes as per the report that's wrong. that's what I confused.
Did You do ... [Show Name] You can select any name after ...?
Did You checked those BreakTime-comments? There should be ALL logs!
You can SEE all that names rows from Your data!
This only tries to show what do You data have.
Dinu Kunjunju
Okay ... good note!
I checked and I found typo ... it show only the last 'Break'
16-Mar-2016 - Antony Dinil
Entry - Exit times: 6:28:40
Exit - Entry times: 2:20:57 Total: 8:49:37
Do those values 'look better'?
... I don't know Your around 1 hour ...
... and It's possible to get both ... times as shown above.
Ps. It's always wise to check some values manually!
Yes, but what I am confused here is the total break time for Dinil 2.20 is only for one day not entire day. in your file each breaks are showing under different dates. correct me if I am wrong.Dinu Kunjunju
As I wrote .. verified my Break Time is 2:20:57
And it seems to be same as Your the latest Break Time value!
So, my version gives same values as You're looking for - or how?
Now its correct, can you share me this file, that would be really greatfulDinu Kunjunju
Those are daily values as You could see!
View attachment 51101
But if it needs only ONE value ... not a challenge
You can get both!
The current file which you shared is showing different data.Now its correct, can you share me this file, that would be really grateful
Dinu Kunjunju
That my previous sent file (#14) has output like (#18).
Now uploaded file has those Totals too.
I don't know which file ... which data You're writing.
I've used all the time data from Your (#1) the 1st message.
Hello Can you please help me with one question. I need one more feature is added to be this macro file. i have to show the Total Working hours along with the break time. that would be calculated from the first log in and last log out. then only i can analyze the exact break timings. we have total 9.30 working hours and i gave 1.30 breaking hours to staff. i want check if any one is logging early then then can adjust with breaks.Dinu Kunjunju
I added few features, cause eg #5 Reply.
[Calc Breaks] do as name says
[Show Name] You can select any name after [Calc Breaks] to see its all rows
... back to 'normal view' with ...
[All Rows] shows all rows
[ReSet Hides] as there are 'sometimes extra row'
which You have marked as 'hide' and
if You would like to 'forget' ALL of those, press [ReSet Hides].
Highlight any row Device-cell by any 'Fill Color'.
After that row won't notice while NEXT [Calc Breaks].
That 'mark' will show by yellow 'Fill Color'-cell in results.