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Boxes that are coloured in the background.


Hi All,

I have an interesting one. I have loads of boxes with the backgound being red and would like to change all these to another colour.

Does any one know the quickest way to locate all background colour being red and change to another colour... I was using excel 2003 and have gone to excel 2007 so I would have to do this manually to bring the theme colour to sequence.

Many Thanks....
When you say boxes, are you referring to cells or to shapes that you've drawn? Assuming that it's cells, you can use the Find feature. With the Find dialogue open, hit Options, and then the Format button. This lets you choose from a range of formatting options to look for. Once you've got that set, hit Find All. Select a cell from the selection that appears, then hit Ctrl+A to select all of these cells. Change the cell background as desired.
Great Option.

I have different text in the boxes and all the backgrounds are red. I would like them to be brown and the text to remain. It is a great option for the boxes do not have any text in them which I have learnt from you. My boxes have text in them. Do you have any further ideas.
Keep the format option intact, and put an * in the "Find" field. Now, the find feature is looking for any text with that background, and you should find what you need.
Intersting results. Some times it changes and other times it does not. Thanks it is in the right direction. I just need to learn a little more to know when it does work and when it does not. many thanks.