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Blink or Flashing cell


Hi All
I would like to know how you make a cell blink or flash when a certain value appears in it. Am I right in thinking this cannot be achieved with a formula but has to be a VBA macro ?
unfortunately I am not the greatest at macros and would be very obliged if you can give me some assistance. Thank you for your time and trouble.
Hi Narayank
Thanks for that info I have tried a couple but they do not do what I want I wanted it to flash when the number appears in the cell but not to worry.
Thanks anyway Have a great day
Hi Mike ,

How will the number appear in the cell , will it be entered by a user , or does the cell have a formula ?

Hi Mike ,

See this file.

Hi Narayank
Thanks for that but that is the same as the one I have got I dont want to have to press start blinking or stop blinking I want it to start automatically when the figure 350 appears in that cell and when another figure appears it will stop automatically
Hi ,

Since I do not know what you have , I cannot comment on that.

Since you mentioned that the cell has a formula , the cell B2 has the simplest possible formula =E5 ; when you enter a value of 351 in cell E5 , the cell B2 gets this value and starts blinking.

When you enter a low value , say 100 in cell E5 , B2 will stop blinking.

If this is not what you want , please give a complete description of what you want , and if possible upload your workbook.

Hi ,

Since I do not know what you have , I cannot comment on that.

Since you mentioned that the cell has a formula , the cell B2 has the simplest possible formula =E5 ; when you enter a value of 351 in cell E5 , the cell B2 gets this value and starts blinking.

When you enter a low value , say 100 in cell E5 , B2 will stop blinking.

If this is not what you want , please give a complete description of what you want , and if possible upload your workbook.

Hi Narayan
You are right it has started doing what I wanted so that is great it must have been me not set it up right anyway it is working now thanks to you. So again I am indebted to you thanks for your time and trouble.Have agreat day and a brilliant life.