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Best way to show as a graph

I would like to show the data in the file http://www.filedropper.com/book3 in a graphical form but I am really confused as to how to go about it. Kindly advise me...
Hi, T100!

Maybe if you explain what does P1, P2 & P3 mean, what do they represent, why are 1st and 3rd usually zero, how do you want to handle negative values, and so on... then people who read this and might be able to help you could understand your goal. The most important thing about charting is effective communication, then aesthetic issues. So please start by telling us what do you want to communicate, if it'd be for displaying purposes, printing or projecting. Thank you.

Hi SirJB7, sorry let me explain. P1, P2 P3 are the products for which revenue collected from various customers is shown. This is just a sample file so the actual file may have customers running into thousands. So I want to know an easy way of showing variances in collection figures of each of the customers in a graphical form for a given financial year. The revenue may be negative in some cases as this represents a reversal for that given amount. So kindly advise me... Thanks
Hi ,

I think what you are asking for will take some time. Please wait for a day.

There is an earlier thread , started and resolved by Sajan , on using non-contiguous data for charting. If you can go through this link , and do it on you own , please do so.


Hi T100

Throughout today i had been trying to convert you data into a list that can be flexible enough to allow you easy update, i will try to upload file by tomorrow, sorry for such a late reply.

