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Best way to import a CSV file into a master Excel sheet automatically



I've got a report in CSV format that is emailed to me every morning with call activity from the prior day. Each morning I manually put all the calls into a master sheet I use for analysis and tracking.

I'd like to look at ways to completely automate this. Does anyone have any (inexpensive) ideas on how to accomplish this? I'm have no VBA experience so I was hoping for some non-coded solutions.

Are there any free Windows macro type apps out there? Could I do it with Excel macros?

Not looking for the technical details on how to accomplish this but rather just someone to point me in the best direction.


I'm have no VBA experience so I was hoping for some non-coded solutions.

Are there any free Windows macro type apps out there? Could I do it with Excel macros?

All of the above are one and the same, really. A starting place might be to just record a macro of yourself performing the actions needed. Then, depending on how many steps you took, it might work as is, or you could post here with some wording as to what the steps were, and we can help you clean it up.
Thanks Luke.

Maybe I should just bite the bullet and learn some VBA. In your estimation, would this project be a good starter or a bit too complex to cut my teeth on?