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Bar chart, with positive and negative bars on the same row

In the attached file, I have a dashboard I recreated from the Chandoo website.

I would like to create a bar chart similar to the ones I have in KPIs 1 - 5. I would like to have:

  • a vertical line to serve as $0.00
  • The chart would only have one bar
  • That bar would be green if positive (to the right of the zero line), or
  • red if negative (to the left of the zero line)
  • The bar, whether green or red should be displayed on one row (I guess this would mean having only 1 X axis category which would actually lie on the vertical axis since this is a bar chart)


  • Recreate KPI Dashboard Up to Part 6.xlsx
    92.8 KB · Views: 5
Hello, you can insert a horizontal bar chart with just one data point. Format the series fill to "Invert if negative". Once this setting is confirmed, you can select the colors for the positive and the negative bars. If you always want to show the positive and negative side of the chart, format the horizontal axis and set fixed values for the minimum and the maximum, for example, minimum -10 and maximum 10.

I have a spreadsheet with the exact same formatting. I don't know if this will help, but here's what I did:

I created two different charts. One chart has green columns for any difference that is positive. The second chart has red columns for any difference that is negative.

Once you get your first chart for just positive differences perfected, press CTRL+D. This creates an identical copy. Now, you just change the range so that all the negative differences are captured and reformat the columns so that they are red. Also, make the second chart completely transparent except for the red columns. Now, just stack your second chart on top of the first.
Here, I put together a quick example that shows how it's done. You can monkey around with the values for abcd and efgh to see how the chart changes.


  • Column Chart Example.xlsx
    24.6 KB · Views: 16