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Bank Recon where date and amount is common & Bank provide single entry for bulk transaction & in books we record in each entry individually


New Member
Dear Excel Experts,

I am also stuck on the same situation. I have to do bank recon, where bank gives combined payment entry for particular Date & in our books we records as individual entry.E.g on Date 12/12/2022 Bank Cr Amount 10,000 with single transaction & in our books we have recorded Dr Amount 10,000 with 10 transaction. I have to matched individually with diff promotion combination adding diff amount. Sample File attached for your reference

If anybody have any solution for this, Pls share. It would be great help.

Harmandeep Singh


  • Sample Recon File.xlsx
    10.7 KB · Views: 7
Hi ,

Expected result is where amount and date matched with combination it should be Marked as Matched Transaction in next to amount column.

Sample file is attached.


  • Sample Recon File.xlsx
    10.8 KB · Views: 4
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