How to avoid duplictaes here ?
I have a formula we are using generally in most of our worksheets.
Here its.
I have a table T1 nad mainly 3 columns.
CustomerID , Value, Displaytext
Column Displaytext gives value according to the formula =if(T1[[#this row];[Value]]=1;C1&", "&T1[[#this row];[CustomerId]];C1)
Getting column values as
filesent_2,3 etc
then the end of the Displaytext column we have
Here im getting the only the customerID
it shows as 1,2,4,3,4
Repeating the customer id agian and agian ,how can I correct this?
I have to correct in this formula.
how to do this?
I have a formula we are using generally in most of our worksheets.
Here its.
I have a table T1 nad mainly 3 columns.
CustomerID , Value, Displaytext
Column Displaytext gives value according to the formula =if(T1[[#this row];[Value]]=1;C1&", "&T1[[#this row];[CustomerId]];C1)
Getting column values as
filesent_2,3 etc
then the end of the Displaytext column we have
Here im getting the only the customerID
it shows as 1,2,4,3,4
Repeating the customer id agian and agian ,how can I correct this?
I have to correct in this formula.
how to do this?