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Averaging data with different weightings


New Member
Hi, this is my first forum so am exited to see how it works. Please forgive me if I don't follow correct etiquette.

My question I wanted to put to the forum, has to do with getting a value in the total cell, being the average of a number of other cells, but a different weighting attached to each of them.

If I may explain; if you have 5 categories on which you are rated (rated between 1 – 5), and each of them has an equal weighting (so 20% in order to make up 100% in total), it would be easy (I think), to simply use the average formula to get the final score out of 5.

However, I have no clue how to adjust for different weightings. How will I create a formula for the “final score” cell taking into account the different weightings for example:

Task 1 - score 3 (weighting 10%)

Task 2 - score 2 (weighting 30%)

Task 3 - score 5 (weighting 10%)

Task 4 - score 3 (weighting 20%)

Task 5 - score 4 (weighting 30%)

any assistance would be really helpful.

Kind regards,
Hi Narayan,

I've read through the different versions' methods but don't think it will work accurately for final score. That is maybe just because of the example being used being so far from what i want to do.

I am going to try it let you know.
