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Averageif formula


New Member
I have a row of numbers, both positive and negative. I want to average the positive numbers and separately average the negative numbers. This works fine until I come to a row of numbers where none are positive and I get a #DIV/0! error message because none of the numbers in the range meet the positive criteria. Is there a way to return a blank cell or a zero instead of an error message? Any other work-around that you can think of?


Hi Blair,

For following type of data use this formula:

Enter... =SUMIF(H13:H19,">=0")/COUNTIF(H13:H19,">=0")

Adjust range according to your data set!!


Thanks Faseeh: Guess I didn't state my problem clearly enough. I have a several rows containing a combination of positive and negative numbers. Each row terminates with two columns: one column contains the average of the positive numbers and the next column contains the average of the negative numbers. Everything works as it should until I have a row of all negative numbers and the error message shows itself in the column for positive numbers. When I have a row of all positive numbers then the error shows itself in the column for negative numbers. My goal is to have either a zero or a blank cell instead of the error message.