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Automating Current Affairs Data Collection into Excel for UPSC Students


New Member
Hello everyone,

I'm working with an online educational platform that caters to UPSC students, and we're trying to enhance how we provide current affairs data. Our goal is to automatically populate an Excel sheet with the title, publishing date, and link of each current affairs post from both our dedicated section (here's the link: https://compass.rauias.com/current-affairs-upsc/ ) and various other news sources. Ideally, this Excel should also allow for date-based filtering, similar to the functionality on our website.

Furthermore, we want to expand this capability to automatically gather similar data from a range of news sources and compile it into the same Excel file. This way, we can provide our students with a comprehensive, up-to-date resource that they can use for their studies, without needing to visit multiple websites.

I'm looking for any insights or tools that could help in setting up such a system. Is there a way to automate this process that integrates easily with Excel? How do you manage to gather and filter data like this efficiently?

Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated as we try to make learning more accessible and streamlined for our students.

Thank you in advance for your suggestions!
As soon as you say "automate" (and it looks like that's the right word), it sounds like you're talking about writing an Excel program in the VBA language. VBA, if you didn't know already, is a flavor of the old Basic language that's adapted for MS-Office applications; "VBA" stands for "Visual Basic for applications". It works not only in Excel but the other MS-Office apps, too, such as Word, Outlook, Access, PowerPoint and so on.

If you're not planning to write a program then you must be talking about manually typing all that data into an Excel worksheet, which I'm sure you'd rather not. But what programming language(s) have you in your repertoire? It doesn't have to be VB or any of that ilk; there are lots of languages that will interact usefully with Excel.


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