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Automatic work allocation in Excel


New Member
Hi all,

I want to use Excel to allocate work to my team.

On Sheet 1, I will have a master list of all work items to complete, one on each row.

On Sheets 2-5, I will have workers who need work assigned to them, from which they will then work.
Once the worker has completed their current list, I want them to press a button on their sheet which will select another ten work items, which have not already been allocated, and add their name to the allocation column on Sheet 1, and copy the data from each of those rows to their individual sheet.

Can anyone offer a macro solution that will enable me to do this?

Down the track, I may have additional workers to add in.
Upload a sample Excel-file,
which has clear idea
what do You really would like to get
with sample data and expected results.
Question: Could that data filter in one sheet ( to show wanted workers filtered data)?
... then no need so many same layout sheets.
Can anyone offer a macro solution that will enable me to do this?
Hi, a sample in this thread :​