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Automate increment in S.No. in Ms Word


Dear All...

Sorry to all to ask this question. as i knew that this post is only for Ms Excel, but i didn't get any solutions for my question. So i am posting this problem. please help me

Every tine i have to insert the page & need to change the Serial no. so i want to do that, is there any way to do this automatically. that means assume that my s.no like this IYM/LOI/08F/APR/12/08 in a table in word. now whenever i insert the page break then i have to change this no as IYM/LOI/08F/APR/12/09. last two digits need to increment automatically.

So please help me to do this automatically in MS word
Hi vijay.vizzu,

1. Copy just this part of your serial number

2. Go to [code]Insert Numbering Option and select and select [code]Define New Number Format

3. In Number Format
paste the copied portion to the LEFT[/code] of the Number present there.

4. Press Ok to Exit.

5. Again go to Insert Numbering[/code] option you will find your desired numbering style there.


Hi vijay.vizzu,

Dear it did worked for me here! Me at my office so can't upload the file. I think you insert numbering first and then select the number and then follow step 2 to 5. I just checked it, Ok button is active.

Caution: I think you have selected (none) in Number Format instead select 1,2,3 there. It was the only case i saw Ok button deactivated.

