Hi ,
Google throws up some results :
All are paid for products.
This is a DIY :
My opinion would be that you don't need an automation tool for Excel , especially if your application is not going to be used by more than a few people.
An application needs to designed properly , and once this is done , maintenance is either not needed or minimal.
Designing the application needs a detailed listing of all data inputs , how data entry is to be done , how it is to be validated , how and where it is to be stored , whether or not editing is to be allowed , what kind of outputs are required , how these outputs are to be derived from the input data , and so much more.
Automating this is not so easy , and most automation is restricted to deriving reports from data which has been organized in a particular format. Automation will also ensure that data entry follows the pre-defined format.
So either you take software which is already available and see if your usage can be within its constraints.
Software which allows you to define your own formats and constraints is not so easy to come by ; I am not sure that this will be available in an Excel worksheet.