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AutoFilter Criteria:=? Operator:=?


Excel Ninja
Hi Excelian's

Is this possible to read (and store in a variant) what criteria / operator has been used in a Autofiltered range.

When I received the sheet, in many columns, different filter's are already applied.

Somewhere top 10, somewhere Filter by color, and somewhere month = "Jan". After Ctrl+Shift+L , I am unable to decide which filter was applied previously.

Can I able to

if cells.HasAutofilter("expected UDF"),then store the status,

unfilter all the data(Ctrl+Shift+L),

if cells.hasformula then paste as value

then rollback all the filter in its cells.autofilter PreviousStatus.

Thanks in advance.

Hi Debra,

Check ou the following and see if you can adapt it to suit your purpose

@ kchiba,

Thank you for you help. above and below both example only works when YOU apply the condition, or condition were applied after the macro/function runs. If sheet has already conditions applied, it wouldn't work. It just tracing my activity.


I have read both the post, but not able find a proper solution. :(

Please help.
Hi Debraj,

I think it has to do with the fact that the macro is volatile and will showw the resutls on the bar any time there is a calculation on the sheet, however, I am not sure how you adapt it to give you a history of all prior filters.
Hi, Debraj Roy!

Try doing this:

a) insert a new module (VB editor (Alt-F11), Insert, Module)

b) type this code:


Sub X()

Dim I as Integer, A as String

With Worksheets("XXX")
If .AutoFilterMode Then
For I=1 to 1000
With .AutoFilter.Filters(I)
If .On Then
A = .Criteria1
B = .Criteria2
C = .Criteria3
D = .Criteria4
' follow as needed
Debug.Print "Filter: "; I, "Criteria 1:"; A, "Criteria 2:"; B, "Criteria 3:"; C, "Criteria 4:"; D,
A = ""
B = ""
C = ""
D = ""
Exit For
End If
End With
Next I
End If
End With

End Sub

This works with either a filter applied by yourself since you opened the workbook or for a pre-existent filter in the saved and opened workbook.

Hi SirJB,

Good solution :)

Can something similar be done for the query in the topic below:


The requirement is to show what selections have been made in Pivot Table page filter?

I had suggested two links, but not sure if those were having the right solution or not.


Prasad DN

Edit: PS: Apologies for clubbing different topic under this thread..
Hi, prasaddn!

I saw the file and theoretically and accordingly to Excel documentation this should work:


With Worksheets("PivotTableP")
For J = 1 To .PivotTables.Count
With .PivotTables(J)
Debug.Print .ActiveFilters
End With
Next J
End With

... but it doesn't: it raises an 450 error (incorrect arguments number -has no arguments!- or invalid property assignment -I'm retrieving, not assigning-).

Type the word ActiveFilters at any place in VB editor, click on it and press F1: there you'll have the sintax help for this property that simply states (unquoted) "expresion.ActiveFilter" with expression being a variable that represents a PT object (Worksheets("PivotTableP").PivotTables(1) is a PT object, isn't it?... property Name works...).
