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Auto-update stock price to a new row with the respective date


New Member
I want to track my investment so here' what I actually want -
I will pull the stock data into excel. And I want the excel to record everdays' closing price. So whenever closing price of a day is updated the excel will automatically create a new row and will insert the date and closing price of the said day.

Now I have managed to pull the stock data into excel with the help of power query. But here are the problems i'm facing
1. The data of stock is not in one sheet. Each stock is in separate sheet. When I try to add another stock in the same sheet, it just replaces the old stock data. So how can I make all the stock data into one place?
2. Along with the closing price of the stock the power query also fetched other irrelavant data like Qty traded, avg. price, day high etc. I don't want all these, so can I just delete those other data?

I hope you understood what I'm trying to say and will be able to help me.
I'm attaching the file to the progess I made :)


  • Book1 - Copy.xlsx
    40.9 KB · Views: 12
How do you perceive the single sheet, with all current stock prices, would be laid out ? Can you provide an example sheet
in the posted workbook ?

Retrieving all stock data from each sheet is doable and no problem. How you want that data displayed in a single sheet
is the question.