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Auto reminder mail in VBA based on data in excel

Jayant Gotawala

New Member
Hi all

I need help with VBA code to send automatic emails to the addresses outlined in column H+I+J+K of the attached sample spreadsheet. When a RO Status is pending and commitment date is -today date, i need an automatic email sent to the email to all mail-provided column in the sheet. It would help also to have the details of the mail in the email. e.g.

Dear ABC
This is a reminder that the formal RO for RO ID 2542 promised on 10-05-2023 is still pending.
Please send it as soon as possible.
Advertiser: IDC
Agency: IDC

Any help would be much appreciated.


  • Mail.xlsx
    16.1 KB · Views: 2
Jayant, your attachment is .xlsx so it won't have any VBA code in it yet. How much of the code have you already attempted? I understand you don't have it working yet, but you've made a start, right? How far have you gotten?

If you haven't even made a start, because you don't know anything about VBA, then you don't need "help with VBA code", you want someone to write the program for you from scratch. Someone here may be willing to do that, but most of us have regular jobs; they pay me to do that kind of thing.

What I do for fun, though, is teach. If you want to learn how to write a VBA program—to do all the above, in fact—you can begin learning and I'll help. But you won't have a working result in a week or two.