New Member
Hi All, I am sasi kanth. I have written a code for sending Excel sheet as an attachment with outlook, How ever i am able to send only E-mail but not the attachment.MY code is as follows
Sub mail()
Dim ouapp as object
dim outmail as object
set outapp=createobject("outlook.application")
set outmail=outapp.createitem
on eror resume next
with outmail
.to= " "
.cc=" "
.bcc=" "
.subject=" "
.body=" "
en error goto 0
set outmail=ntng
set outapp=ntng
please help...Thank you for the support!!
Sub mail()
Dim ouapp as object
dim outmail as object
set outapp=createobject("outlook.application")
set outmail=outapp.createitem
on eror resume next
with outmail
.to= " "
.cc=" "
.bcc=" "
.subject=" "
.body=" "
en error goto 0
set outmail=ntng
set outapp=ntng
please help...Thank you for the support!!