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Assign a shape to a value



I've seen on occasion, Chandoo will put symbols/etc in a table, and, allow them to appear on a graph as added visualization. I'd like to do something similar, but, am not sure how to accomplish it. I have 4 values (1-4), with 4 different colored boxes. I will index/match the values based on the data sheet, but, rather than have the number, I'd like the shape to show up. I do not want to color the entire cell, because, on occasion, multiple milestones happen at once (and ya can't multi shade a cell :)).

Any thoughts? I'll avoid VBA for now if possible...


Is there an example of Chandoo's you can point to? I'm having trouble visualizing...

If your milestones are happening based on the x-axis, you can size all of the columns behind the graph to equal sizes with your graph intervals. Then, you can make your chart area "no color", so that it becomes transparent and shows the contents of the cells behind the chart. Then, in four rows, create a simple IF to show some symbol when the milestone corresponds to the axis value. You can color all the contents of the entire row a specific color so that any shape in the row is the desired color.

It is hard to visualize your problem exactly, but this could be a general tip for a way to accomplish what you're asking.
Something like this link?

Let me see if I can try to upload what I've got (I did it manually for the first go aroudn). We have some issues here at work with blocking file sharing sites...
As expected, they're all blocked.

Luke- I have a data chart in B9:V20

B9:F20 is just information (i.e. department name/etc.)

G9:V9 is headings Q1 2011, Q2 2011, etc through Q4 2014

G10:V20 are the columns under the dates (G9:V9)

I have 4 milestones: Design, Build, Test, Deliver. I have 4 different colored boxes drawn with "shapes". Depending on when these milestones occur, the colored box or boxes for that milestone(s) will fall in that cell. My data chart has them represented as "1, 2, 3, or 4", so, I'd like 1 to be blue, 2 to be red, etc.
If not already, can you make each milestone a seperate series? The advantage of this would be that you can draw any shape you want, copy it, and then select a series and hit paste. This would make the markers for that line/series become the shape you copied.

If they're different series, the more time-consuming method is similar to above, but you select the series point individually, and then paste.