I'm thinking an array formula is in order here...but having issues with getting mine to work.
Here's my current formula:
=ROWS($K$18:$K18)&". "&IF(ISNUMBER(Sheet3!Q2:Q18),INDEX(Sheet3!C2:C18,(Sheet3!Q2:Q18)))
What I'm trying to do is produce a list of 6 items on a dashboard page, by scannig a list where Column Q is a "rank" (1-6),and, if it IS a number, bring back the contents of Cell C. If it's not ranked, it says "no". There are only unique values (you'll never rank 2 different things the same)
The results I currently get is only "FALSE", and, not really sure if that's valid
Any help is appreciated.
I'm thinking an array formula is in order here...but having issues with getting mine to work.
Here's my current formula:
=ROWS($K$18:$K18)&". "&IF(ISNUMBER(Sheet3!Q2:Q18),INDEX(Sheet3!C2:C18,(Sheet3!Q2:Q18)))
What I'm trying to do is produce a list of 6 items on a dashboard page, by scannig a list where Column Q is a "rank" (1-6),and, if it IS a number, bring back the contents of Cell C. If it's not ranked, it says "no". There are only unique values (you'll never rank 2 different things the same)
The results I currently get is only "FALSE", and, not really sure if that's valid
Any help is appreciated.