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Approximate matching of strings


New Member

I have two lists to map..

For example,

List 1 List 2

Bulk/Water All Other Isotonic Beverages



KIDS DRINKS Bulk water

MULTI_SERVE_JUICE Multi serve juice


Desired output :

Bulk/water should be mapped to Bulk water,

Tea to both per tea and bus tea

Multi_serve_juice to Multi serve Juice

Isotonic beverages to All Other Isotonic Beverages


Have shared the file at the link below:


I could map few things directly using functions/formulae but struck with special characters like '_' , '/', etc - couldn't map few others.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

~ Santhan
Hi, santhan!

I was wondering if you accept using some additional columns. If yes, here I uploaded your Excel book modified. Hope it works for you.

Column C: copies the last column (list 1 clean)

Column D:

D1 : string with the characters you want to clean

D2:DXX : copies original list

Columns E thru E+len(D1):

Cell (X)1 : character to be cleaned in that column

Celss (X)2:(X)XX : original string with cleaned accumulations

When you're done with this, you can process column C as usual.


Link: http://www.2shared.com/file/GJuDF5Vx/approximate_matching_of_lists_.html

Thanks a lot. This should help...but the main problem arises when i try to map column C ( list 1 clean) to List 2 ( column B)...for example, if i choose to approximate match 'tea-l5603' in list 1 clean, i get an error output. It is mapping neither to 'Bus tea' nor 'per tea' in list 2. I am not sure if this is possible to achieve !

Thanks again!

~ Santhan
Hi, santhan!

Can you explain what exactly means "when I try to map Column C"? How do you do that?, I don't see the method or formulaes in your originally uploaded file, if I'm not wrong.

Hi ,

The only way is to do the following :

1. Strip each list of all delimiters ( replace with spaces or any other method ) , and extract the words into different columns ; there are sites which give the required formulae to do this.

2. Compare the two sets of keywords to see if there is even one match between the two sets.
