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Applying the same conditonal formatting for multiple text terms?


New Member
Conditional formatting newbie, so be gentle... :)

I'd like to add background color and text formatting to terms in a sheet based on occurences of of multiple strings. For example, I'd like the same background color in cells that contain text strings "software OR microsoft OR msdnn OR msdn"

Iknow I could set up a series of individual rules, but is there a way to write a formula to do this? I tried doing =software OR microsoft OR msdn OR msdnn but I get an error message.

Any help appreciated...
Make your list of words somewhere. Lets say in Z1:Z10

Your conditional format rule (for cell A2) then is simply:


Formula is checking A2's contents against the list of cells. This setup makes it easy to change the list of words later, if need be.


Tedious, but if you want all the info in the formula, you write something like:
