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Apply this code to specific cells


New Member
I have this code which works great, I just want to go one step farther. This code allows users to clear contents on a protected sheet. I want to keep that function but apply it to a specified range of cells.

C6 thru T130 are the cells that I want to apply this too. This includes Column C -> T,and rows 6 -> 130.

' Sub test()

Dim r As Range

For Each r In ActiveSheet.UsedRange

If Not r.Locked Then


End If


End Sub '
Hi Walters ,

The part ActiveSheet.UsedRange is the part which defines the range of cells on which the procedure will work ; replace this part with Activesheet.Range("C6:T130") if you want the procedure to work on a specific range of cells.

That's absolutely incredible , I knew it would be simple for the pros. Thanks so much works like a charm....