here is my issue: I have 52 workbooks that re exactly the same, they load in data specific to each week of the year (same macros contained in each workbook). They are named "Work Week 1.xls, Work Week 2.xls......, Work Week 52.xls. I run an update macro from another work book that will open a specified workbook , select appropriate page and then run the required macro. To minimize the number of macros required to run the different updates needed i have directed the work book open to get address from a specific cell that updates when dates are changed. The code below works well for work week 1 but when workbook address opens "Work Week 8.xls" and application run fires an error comes up as the identified macro is in work week 1. I thought I had solution as listed below but I am missing code on the front end
Sub Test()
Workbooks.Open Filename:=Worksheets("Mechanical").Range("I15").Value _
, UpdateLinks:=3
Sheets("REMOVED SCOPE").Select
Application.Run "'WORK WEEK 1.xls'!NEW_SCOPE_T0"
' The above code works when workBook Work Week 1 is opened
' but will not run the exact same macro if Work Week 8 is opened.
'I found the code below R Debruin posted for when file name can be variable
'but do not know how to build code around it to make it work
Application.Run "'" & strFileName & "'!Scope_Unhide_Rows"
End Sub