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Anyone know what this is? Alt+shift clicking


New Member
The other day I was resizing an object to fit a cell while at the same time wanting to expand the shape proportionally. I was Alt+Shift clicking and I found whenever I did this it would either bring up the research window on the right, change the keys on my keyboard (ie when i hit the "z" key it would display "w") or both.

I'm using excel 2010, does this happen to anyone else, do you know what its for? I tried googling it and nothing came up, nothing in shortcut keys or anything.

Go to a blank area of sheet and Alt+shift click a few cells then try typing z or any number and watch it freak out.

Hi, Rwatson!

It seems to be nothing regarding Excel but the keyboard switching shortcut of Windows or of a multi-keyboard feature support. If you try Alt-Shifting on other applications or at the desktop, do you get the same results?

Good day Rwatson

This feature is part of Windows XP, this link will show how to disable
