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Anyone have the recent newsletter on keyboard tips for fill-down?

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New Member
This was one of the greatest tricks I've seen in Excel and I can't find the newsletter, even though I keep most of them. It was a newsletter in the past couple of months, and the tip showed how to fill in row numbers in a blank column. I know there are other ways :).
Hi rdperkins,

Well I dont have the newsletter, and if I understood your requiremnt correctly, you can follow these steps:

1. Considering you want to fill row numbers from C1:C200, Select C1.
2. Go to Name Box left of formula bar and enter C1:C200.
3. Press Ctrl+' (aspostrophe left of Enter Key)
4. Press Ctrl+Enter to select the range C2:C200.
5 Press F2.
6. Enter the formula =ROWS($C$1:C1) and press Ctrl+Enter.

I know lots of steps, but I don't have the newsletter which would have contained less than these steps.

I remembered the tip - enter a couple of numbers, say 1 and 2, in two cells, one above the other. Select both then double-click the selection handle on the lower-right of the selection. It will then automatically fill the series to the bottom of the list, assuming the blank cells are next to a full column of data.
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