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Another Pivot Table Sorting Issue


New Member
When I sort my pivot table (next to the chart, not the data sheet) it flips the sort on the chart. The table is A-Z; the chart is Z-A. I cannot get them to synchronize the sort order.

Custom lists is unchecked. I've tried setting > More Sort Options > Ascending and Descending on either or both. Settings don't seem to matter. What I need is to sort both the table rows and the Chart row labels (Y-axis) in the same order (A-Z). My row labels are 2 columns. The first column is digits (not calculated). The 2nd column is text. They combine to make up the chart Y axis labels. Can anyone suggest a way to get the both the table and the chart to sort the same?
I encountered this a while back. I think I solved it by staging some of the sorting with really simple vba.

Can you post a sample.
Sorry, I work for the gov and can't share files. It will be on SharePoint for novice users to fill in data and save for the boss to refresh and view later. I don't think I can depend on the users to even click a macro button so I would like to find a non-vba solution if possible. Thanks!
Data in sheet1 produces a pivot table and a horizontal bar chart on sheet2. I need the sort order in the pivot table and the chart to both be A->Z. When I sort the pivot table colums A-Z, the chart order flips to Z-A. I can't seem to get the pivot table and the chart to sort the same = A-Z.