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Again got 7stuck up in Macro


I am using excel 2007..

We download a daily report from a particular URL. This report is in csv.

To download this file, we go to internet explorer, give the url , for eg:-http://downloadfile , there is an arrow button , on clicking which, option comes to download or open the xls come

and then save this file in desktop as issues.csv

I have another file in another location for eg: Dmanishfilename.xlsx

Normally I copy issues.csv in sheet1 of new excel say as manish.xls

and I will copy the data from Dmanishfilename.xlsx to sheet2 of manish.xls

Can we write a macro for the same
Hi, Manish!

Give a look at this topic:


There's an uploaded file that performs what you're asking for. Do you think you can manage to handle the update of the code for working with your data? If so, go on and just advise if any issue; if not, I'd suggest you to avoid getting involved with code hard to maintain by yourself if it's a daily task you perform at your job.

Hi Sir JB7,

This file doesn't solve my problem

I will try to explain the complete process what we do daily

1>We have a URL from where we download issue list daily


On accessing this url we select the first row which has down arrow at the end. As soon as we click on down arrow , it ask us to save the file

2>We have another daily tracker where we put our comments on the issue

3>Daily we make an excel, where the first sheet contains all data which got generated through step 1

4>In worsheet 2 we take data from step 2

5>for all the remaining steps I Have written macro,

Now I need to write macro for the first step
Hi, Manish!

I think that the subroutine procedure WebQuery in module Módulo1 does exactly that: it retrieves data table (constant ksDatasetTable) from a given URL, in this case cells of column A in sheet Sheet1 from row 2 in advance.

That's your exact requirement for 1), isn't it? If it is, you can start building your project from that basis, I guess.


PS: BTW, the provided link doesn't work, neither as stated nor if I correct alm..com to alm.com, when it arises the 404 not found error.