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Additive dynamic drop down list for data validation


New Member
Have been trying to solve this for some time with no success. Nothing found via Google, so thought I would try here.

I have a table that lists requirements for software design. For each requirement there is one or several associated SW products.

I have a column for the associated SW products and can use data validation and a list to allow the user to pick one product.

What I want to achieve is the ability to select say "Product1" from the validation list, and then add another product, say "Product2" - so the relevant cell would contain Product1 Product2.

I have tried using an array to concatenate the content of the current cell with the list to produce a new list, but get an error.

Any ideas anyone?
When you are picking the products, is this from different cells, or do you keep picking things from the same cell? E.g., data validation is in A2. You pick Product1, and cell B2 says "Product1". In A2, you then pick Product2, and B2 now says "Product1 Product2".

If so, you might be able to do something like this:


Debra's article puts all the choices in different cells (which, personally, I think would be best), but you could easily concatenate everything to put them in one cell.