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Adding new value from a separate field based on a variable in a separate field


New Member

I need to be able to look in a given column for a variable - find the corresponding ID (in another column field) and copy that ID value to a new column field until the variable changes. Once the variable changes I need to re-capture a new corresponding ID and repeat. In the file attached is a sample of the data I am working with and what the data looks like before - and what I would like it to look like after this operation.

In column E (E2 is a value). I want to find the corresponding ID in B2 and copy that to A2 through A22. At E23 the value changes - now I need to reset to capture B23 to copy to A23 through A26 - and repeat each time the value in column E changes. Ideally I would like to do this in a formula/function as I am not good with VBA coding.

Can someone help?

View attachment 25661


  • Sample.xlsx
    12.9 KB · Views: 4
Last edited:
Hi Mark This is somewhat simpler solution:

In Cell A4 of your sheet put:


In Cell A5 downwards you put:


..and drag down the second formula. Hope that helps.

..see also the attached sheet.


  • Copy of Sample.xlsx
    13.4 KB · Views: 3
Hi Mark This is somewhat simpler solution:

In Cell A4 of your sheet put:


In Cell A5 downwards you put:


..and drag down the second formula. Hope that helps.

..see also the attached sheet.
Thank you

I have also been researching after posting this question and came up with this solution too: =IF(ISBLANK(E3),A2,B3).

Thanks again for the reply