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Adding new data to Master data sheet

Hello all,

I have a master data sheet. Every morning, I have to export new data from the system. The fields in this exported files are there in the master data sheet, but they are not ordered the same way. E.g. if Master data sheet has column names as A B C D E F the exported data sheet has it as A C D B F E.

I need to find a way to copy the data from the exported file into the master sheet. The exported data file has 1000s of rows. Hope you understand why I require it to be copied over with least human activity. How can I achieve this? Is there a way to automate this? Appreciate your thoughts and ideas.

PS: I cannot change the order of the columns in the Master data file. I have attached a file with sample data with just a few rows. Please ignore the color highlights in the file.

Thank you in advance. Kind Regards


  • Sample_Master_Exported.xlsx
    14.1 KB · Views: 4
So long as both files/sheets have exactly the same column/header names, you can use Power Query to append one to the other. PQ will align the columns correctly. You can look at the attached to analyze the steps taken.


  • Sample_Master_Exported.xlsx
    36.8 KB · Views: 10
Thank you, for your reply. Let me review the file and get back to you. Your assistance is much appreciated. Stay safe. Kind Regards
Hello Alan, sorry for the delay in replying. Thank you for the sample sheet. I finally decided to swap the columns in the master sheet to reflect the same as the exported file. Can I ask you, is there a way to highlight the newly added rows in the master sheet, every time it is added? Appreciate your help in advance.