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adding array to a loop

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this code works -but I have multiple text words that need to be red in addition to "late".

How can I add more words?

Public Sub ChgTxtColor()
Set myRange = Range("A25:A100") 'The Range that contains the substring you want to change color
substr = "late" 'The text you want to change color
txtColor = 3 'The ColorIndex which repsents the color you want to change

For Each myString In myRange
lenstr = Len(myString)
lensubstr = Len(substr)
For i = 1 To lenstr
tempString = Mid(myString, i, lensubstr)
If tempString = substr Then
myString.Characters(Start:=i, Length:=lensubstr).Font.ColorIndex = txtColor
End If
Next i
Next myString
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