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Adding a common prefix to date value in a column


New Member
Adding a common prefix to date value in a column.

9-Jan-11 '40552'

17-Jan-11 '40560'

25-Jan-11 '40568'

2-Feb-11 '40576'

10-Feb-11 '40584'

18-Feb-11 '40592'

When I tried to add single Quote before and after the date, it is changed as above.

I want the date 9-Jan-11 as '9-Jan-11',I want to add the single quotes before and after the date for all values in a single column.
the numbers incased in the single quotes is the number behind that said date.... (Jan 9 2011 is 40552 days after 1/1/00)

when i added a single quote before and after all i got was 9-Jan-11'

but what youre saying is you want the value of the cell to '9-Jan-11', correct?

what if you just changed the number formatting to accomplish this? that way when you enter a date in the cell, the single quoates will be displayed (but not technically stored in the cell). does that make sense? if that would work:

select the cell(s) with the date --> goto Format Cells --> Number Format tab --> Custom --> and enter 'd-mmm-yy'
Hi phani.gamini

Not quite sure if I understand the question. You want the date to display within apostrophe at each end, it will not be a date then!

Assuming your data is in column A in column B an copy down:

Hi phani.gamini

You can also custom format your dates, select the range and adopt "'"d-mmm-yy"'" as custom cell format.

Hi phani.gamini,

What are you really after? Please explain the purpose as that will give you solution that suits you.