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Adding a column - no error but can't add it to visuals


Hi. I have the below DAX to add the field "Type" to the Fact table. It doesn't throw any errors but then, when I add it to any visual it then throws error ('Report Masures'MTD: a table of multiple values was supplied where a single value was expected).
I understand if a card visual but, I also have tried a table visual and also a matrix table visual and if multiple values still should bring them there.

MTD = SUMMARIZE(DATESMTD('Semantic FactCommunications'[LetterSentDate]), "Type", "MTD")
This DAX is meant to be in an slicer so that, in the bar chart, it only displays the current month
If you want to use it in a slicer, you do not need such a calculated column. Adding the correct field from your calendar table should do the trick.

Or I'm missing the point all together.

About the error message. Summarize does create a virtual table. I guess because you might have a star scheme data model in place, there is an implicite calculate doing the job inside the table where you've added the column. Calculate understands the data model and therefore can apply a context transition from filter context to row context.

The formula seems odd, since you feed a column to MTD and not a measure. I do not need to use time intelligence in my reports, so again I might miss the point.
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