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Add Pictures to file placement error


New Member

The code below was working fine.

Sub ResimYerlestirembed()
    Dim Pshp As Shape
    Dim XRg As Range
    Dim xCol As Long
    On Error Resume Next
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Set Rng = ActiveSheet.Range("H3:H5")
    For Each cell In Rng
        urladreshucre = cell
        ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddPicture(urladreshucre, False, True, 100, 100, -1, -1).Select
        Set Pshp = Selection.ShapeRange.Item(1)
        If Pshp Is Nothing Then GoTo lab
        xCol = cell.Column + 1
        Set XRg = Cells(cell.Row, xCol)
        With Pshp
            .LockAspectRatio = True
            .Width = 100
            .Height = 100
            .Top = XRg.Top
            .Left = XRg.Left
        End With
    Set Pshp = Nothing
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

It is expected to embed images starting from I3 but unfortunately, the result is floating images.

The answer should be very simple :(
Sorry for unclear question.

Floating means images appear in other cells in proper order not where I want. Also not fitting the cell
Hi !

try to replace the codeline Set XRg = Cells(cell.Row, xCol)

by this one : Set XRg = cell(1, 2) … If same result, just check your logic.
Do you have the window zoom set to anything other than 100%? That can cause issues with programmatic positioning of shapes.