New Member
I am just getting started with Power Query. I have 3 tables:
Product ID
Actual Sales
Forecast Sales
Actual Sales has historical actual data by product by month. Lets say the data goes back 12 months. Forecast has monthly data by product going forward 12 months.
Product ID has the product name and additional details. Name is the unique key across all 3 tables.
How do I join the tables so that I can pivot and group dates such that I can see actual then forecast in series?
Product ID
Actual Sales
Forecast Sales
Actual Sales has historical actual data by product by month. Lets say the data goes back 12 months. Forecast has monthly data by product going forward 12 months.
Product ID has the product name and additional details. Name is the unique key across all 3 tables.
How do I join the tables so that I can pivot and group dates such that I can see actual then forecast in series?