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ActiveX Command Button to hide/reveal png pictures


New Member
Hi. I have an excel sheet of 13 rows and 12 columns (excluding headers). I am preparing a quiz. I want a command button suitably titled placed in each of these cells, preferably with names using row number and column number. (this I can manage easily). On activating the command button a picture (png format) will get displayed over the command button. Pictures are named as R1C1, R2C2 and so on and stored in a directory. Thus a command button activated in cell row 5 and column 6 will display a png picture R5C6.png. On clicking the next command button, the already revealed picture should not be hidden. Like this all 156 cells will be answered by a student. I have no knowledge of using ActiveX command buttons. I need a generic code that will be written for each command button. If you guide for one command button, I will write for all the remaining. Secondly command button will get activated by two random numbers ranging from 1 to 13 and 1 to 12. Assume that first random number comes as 56, then command button placed in Row 5 and column 6 will become coloured and student will answer orally. On clicking the correct answer will be displayed as picture as explained above. Like this all 156 random numbers should be revealed randomly without repetition.