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Accumulative error


New Member
I have a table with task name, start date, and finish date. Once a week I need to calculate planned weekly work time by summarising all activities duration falling into current week and divide this number by total duration of all activities over whole period. Problem is that the total summ of quotients is more that 100%.

I would really appreciate your help.

And I don't know how to attach a file with example of my calculations. Little help here too :)

you will need a timephased sheet that has every day in the Period of performance. then you will need to take each task and flat spread the task by the amount of duration from start day to finish day. then you can have a total row that will sum the current day and subtract it from the previous day. this will give you a planned hrs per day, they you can sum that for the days you need. Based on your description you are needing BCWS or Planned Value, correct?
Attaching a file is sticky #2:


As what you've stated so far only include a start and finish date, and not some sort of progress amount, I'm unsure how you have quotients/percentages of things. If it's a small block of data, you can copy directly from excel and paste here, putting a backtick (`), the symbol above Tab, above and below your data.


Name	Start	Finish
Task 1	15-Jan	3-Feb
Task 2 	12-Mar	2-Apr
Task 3	16-Apr
Good idea oldchippy. I added it onto your's about posting a sample workbook, as they are somewhat related.
To: greg.begin

Yes you right, I'm trying to calculate PV.

And I think I did what you described, but still total is bigger than 100%
to Kettlebell,

have you tried using the subtotal function. =subtotal(9,A1:A9) for example? for some reason i am not understanding what the 100% is for unless you are trying to weight each task. I do this currently for my work on a very large and complex scale, so if you could maybe describe alittle more of the whole picture i can help.