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A right click menu macro



Me here with the annoying macro again. Sorry!

In file attached (borrowed from internet) there is a macro that produces a new option for right click menu.
Qs1. How can I rename these, currently Macro 1, Macro 2 and Macro 3? I tried editing the STRMacroName and that works but produced more than 1 of them.
Qs2. How can I edit this to have more or less macros as options, 2 , or 4?

Thanks for taking interest!


  • RightClickMacroMenu.xlsm
    25.4 KB · Views: 5
1. Rename the macros themselves
2. Add more macros/delete macros

Then re-run MakeMenu

If you wanted to restrict the macros listed in that menu item to say just the macros in the DemonstrationMacros module you could add an extra If:

If objComponent.Type = 1 Then
If objComponent.Name = "DemonstrationMacros" Then
'<< added If.

with its corresponding End If lower down.
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