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a little help please - lost a sheet


New Member
i have a excel file called "boat 5 conditional management" and within that i have various sheets.

one of the sheets "Main" has gone missing.

Ive tried to unhide worksheets by right clicking - unhide but there is nothing to unhide.

i know the worksheet is there as i have a graph array that is returning numbers.

=SUM(([Book1]Main!$C$21:$C$9967=$A17)*([Book1]Main!$J$21:$J$9967='Graph Data'!$B$15))

i do not know what the [Book1] is as the only excel file i have open is "boat 5 conditional management"

many thanks
Hi, ashfire!

To show hidden worksheets that might not appear within the Hide/Show dialog do this:

- enter VBA editor (Alt-F11)

- press F4 to show object properties

- in the upper left pane (Project - VBA Project), double click on you workbook, and click on missing sheet

- in the lower left pane (Properties - Sheet XXX) go to the Visible option

- check if it has a value of 2 - xlSheetVeryHidden and change it to -1 - xlSheetVisible

But in your case, despite of this it seems that you have 2 files involved:

a) original file "boat 5 conditional management"

b) a new yet unsaved file called "Book1"

First workbook refers to 2nd workbook, maybe because of a worksheet copy/move to another new workbook or of opening a file from an email attachment or clouded file service... who knows.

Check this and just advise if any issue.

thanks for the quick response.

its highly likely someone has tried emailing the file to someone or taken a copy and as you have said havent saved it.

i guess there is nothing i can do at present though.

Hi, ashfire!

Glad you find out the origin. If the file was emailed to you (or tell the receiver to do this) just download and open it from that location.

Thanks for your feedback. And welcome back whenever needed or wanted.
