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a group by method


New Member
Hi everyone, I've an issue with a long list of datas. I'm looking either for a kind of group by formula in excel or a different method (pivot table??) that allows you to group a list of datas in 1 column based on a value displayed in another column. Ex: column A order number, column B order rows (ex: different products), column C values, column D month. I'd like to have a pivot showing products in rows, values per month (month in column) and count of orders (ie: number of SINGLE orders for each product) ... basically it must count a single order no matters the number of rows with same order number ...

any help?

Thanks a lot i advance!!

Hello Alessandro,

Hopefully you got an answer through some other means... but in case it helps anyone else...

To create a pivot table, select your data set (including the headings), and select the "Pivot Table" from the "Insert" menu (or ribbon). Then follow the prompts, to create a nicely grouped table. Add the items that you want to group as "row" fields.


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