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2 Quick Questions


New Member
Hello all I am fairly new the Excel world but with this wonderful place I am learning more and more each day - and hopefully increasing the look and professionalism with the charts I create.

I have been perusing the forums although I have been unable to find any answer (yet), but here is what I would like to inquire about.

(2 things actually)

1. Is there a easy way to create a calendar that will allow me to create all my bills by due date and then place them on the calendar by due date so I can look at it simply a month at a time and see what expenses are due each week?

2. The second question I have is that using the 2010 version of excel makes all my charts shrink with a large white area around them – is there an easy way to have it automatically fill to the size of the page that I am printing? I’ve so far, had to go to the page set up, and also manually adjust the page breaks and margins – and it still comes out looking like I’ve squished it --

Thank you for all your help – Have a great day
Good day tenchie

If you look at the templates in Excel you may find a calendar to suit and alter if needed.

Most printers (but not all) cannot print to fill all the page, the page set up is very useful for get the print to best fit, other thing such as the perspective of the chart will also make a difference to the print outcome, have you tried selecting the cart and then in the print section choose the margins to suit 2010 will update live
Thank you very much Bob – since I am still soaking in all this information I will try that (the chart sizing)

As for templates, is there a key word or phrase I should be looking for?

I would think it would be called “bill scheduler” or something similar – but I’m thinking once I add all my data in it should repeat each month so on any given day can see what is due…..similar to what Google calendar does – which I’ve been using, but want some more customizable options..

Thanks again
Good day tenchie

As for the printing I personally have found that at times it takes a bit of trial and error to get where you want.

If you go to the open a new sheet in the file menu and choose templates you may find some already list to suit, if not put calendar in the search box or budget there are literally hundreds of online templates, you will need to be net connected.
Good day Tenchie

We all try to help, please let us know if you find/get what you need :)