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2 functions in one cell? Is it possible?


New Member
Hello -

I am wanting to create a formula that will result in a value or zero based on the text of another cell. Example listed below has cell F2 resulting in "ZERO" which is fine. I also would like it to populate (C3*30) if the text in the C column is "STUDIO". Is there a way to do this automatically if I change the text in the C column? Thank you, any assistance is greatly appreciated :)


This won't work, though, unless there's a number in C3, and there can't be both STUDIO and a numbaer - change the C3 in red to what you really meant.
Based on your sample, I think you mean:

But you didn't say what you wanted to do if it wasn't HOME OR STUDIO. I left that blank at the end of the formula, you'll need to change that to what you want to do in that case.